Practice 7: Mental Health and Crisis Resources: Evaluate and Promote
Provide highly trustworthy mental health services well-versed in state-of-the-art suicide risk assessment, management and support and a range of evidence-informed treatment options. Promote these resources through multiple distribution channels frequently over time.
Why is this important and what does this practice entail?
Having access to well-vetted and responsive mental health and crisis resources is an essential link in the chain of survival for any workplace looking to prevent suicide. Too often employers “check the box” of getting an Employee Assistance Program or EAP without ever really understanding the scope of quality of the services they are purchasing. It is important to invest in a quality program that will be customized to the unique needs of your workplace, but additionally, you must put the work in to help promote programs like EAPs so that employees know about them and feel more comfortable using them. Many managers do not know where to turn or even what questions to ask when supporting employees. When managers have intimate knowledge with the mental health and crisis resources, their personal referral often makes the difference on whether the worker finds it trustworthy enough to take action.
Action Steps:
1. Contact one of the following crisis or mental health supports and interview them on how they are prepared to help someone is a suicide crisis:
• Behavioral Health Care – health insuranceEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)
• Community Mental Health CenterNational Suicide Prevention • Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)
• Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741)
2. Questions to ask during the interview: