Category Archives: Uncategorized
A Manager’s Response to Workplace Suicide
There are more than 41,000 suicide deaths per year in the U.S; the majority occur among people of working age. This number alone can dramatically affect the workplace. Add to this number that there are about six people affected, many being coworkers, for every suicide death, and the potential impact to the workplace quickly becomes evident. …
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Why Invest in Suicide Prevention?
While no detailed and independent data exists on the cost of suicide and suicidal behavior to the Australian economy, every death does have a financial impact. A cost estimate produced by Mendoza and Rosenberg in 2010 proposed a plausible estimate to the Australian economy of $17.5 billion per year. This figure included estimated productivity costs. …
Preventing Deaths Following a Suicide
Suicide continues to be among the most stigmatized topics of all human experiences. It is, therefore, characterized by fear, shame and misunderstanding. Myths include: “If we talk about suicide, it’s more likely to occur.”The truth is just the opposite. “It will never happen in my circle of friends, family and co-workers.” The truth is: Given …
Suicide Prevention: Talk About It at Work
Suicide is a serious public health problem — but is preventable. Suicide has a dramatic impact on the workplace in both human and financial terms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide was the 10th-leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2010. There were 38,364 suicides—an average of 105 each day. In addition …
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