Mission & Vision
The mission is to change the culture of workplaces to reduce job strain and negative, fear-based, prejudicial and discriminatory thoughts, behaviors and systems regarding suicide and mental health while at the same time promoting psychologically healthy norms and environments.

We (the collaborative partners) envision a world where workplaces and professional associations join in the global effort to aspire to zero suicides by sustaining a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy as part of their health and safety priorities.

The overarching goals of the best practices are twofold:
1. To engage employer/professional association leadership to address suicide prevention in a comprehensive way.
2. To provide a roadmap to workplace leaders who wish to engage in this culture-change process.
We seek to achieve our vision by developing a set of guidelines that:
1. Give employers and professional associations an opportunity to pledge to engage in the effort of suicide prevention.
2. Demonstrate an implementation structure for workplace best practice in a comprehensive approach.
3. Provide data and resources to advance the cause of workplace suicide prevention.
4. Bring together diverse stakeholders in a collaborative public-private model.
5. Make recommendations for easily deployed tools, trainings and resources for short-term action inside of long-term system-wide change.